9/18/2003 (Thursday)

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Granada Theater, Dallas, Texas

Buckingham Green, She Wanted to Leave, Piss Up a Rope, Take Me Away, Mister Richard Smoker, Touch My Tooter, Voodoo Lady, Happy Colored Marbles, Bananas and Blow, Awesome Sound, The Mollusk, I Don't Want It, Roses Are Free, Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down), I'll Be Your Jonny on the Spot, Stroker Ace, Zoloft, Ocean Man, Frank, Booze Me Up and Get Me High, Fat Lenny, Doctor Rock, Baby Bitch, Someday, The Blarney Stone
Encore: The HIV Song, I Can't Put My Finger on It, Buenas Tardes Amigo
- 9 brownbase users attended this show

Deaner's Tour Diary

one of my favorite gigs of the tour so far, we finally escaped deep ellum and played in a really cool converted theater. just a great over the top set. reminded me instantly why i love playing texas. we hung out with our friends all night after the gig and got torn up. austin is approaching and we are anxious about our return to stubb's.

Explain Stats

  • LTP = Last Time Played
  • SSL = Shows Since Last
  • TPB = Times Played Before
  • NTP = Next Time Played
  • SUN = Shows Until Next
  • TPA = Times Played After
  • TTP = Total Times Played
  • -SSL and SUN do not include shows with no setlist
  • -TPB, TPA and TTP do not include teases or incompletes

Setlist Stats

Column Sort
Set Position#Song TitleLast Time PlayedLTPShows Since LastSSLTimes Played BeforeTPBNext Time PlayedNTPShows Until NextSUNTimes Played AfterTPATotal Times PlayedTTP
10Awesome Soundlast played : 09-16-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 105next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 38total times played : 144
23Baby Bitchlast played : 09-13-2003(4 shows ago)times played before: 189next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 111total times played : 301
9Bananas and Blowlast played : 09-17-2003(1 show ago)times played before: 156next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 258total times played : 415
20Booze Me Up and Get Me Highlast played : 09-13-2003(4 shows ago)times played before: 73next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 65total times played : 139
1Buckingham Greenlast played : 09-17-2003(1 show ago)times played before: 302next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 323total times played : 626
28Buenas Tardes Amigolast played : 09-16-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 211next played: 09-23-2003(3 shows after)times played after : 74total times played : 286
22Doctor Rocklast played : 09-14-2003(3 shows ago)times played before: 364next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 190total times played : 555
21Fat Lennylast played : 09-13-2003(4 shows ago)times played before: 209next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 85total times played : 295
19Franklast played : 09-16-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 98next played: 09-26-2003(5 shows after)times played after : 97total times played : 196
8Happy Colored Marbleslast played : 09-13-2003(4 shows ago)times played before: 26next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 178total times played : 205
27I Can't Put My Finger on Itlast played : 09-16-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 290next played: 09-21-2003(2 shows after)times played after : 83total times played : 374
12I Don't Want Itlast played : 09-12-2003(5 shows ago)times played before: 11next played: 09-24-2003(4 shows after)times played after : 79total times played : 91
15I'll Be Your Jonny on the Spotlast played : 09-16-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 93next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 175total times played : 269
5Mister Richard Smokerlast played : 09-16-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 210next played: 09-23-2003(3 shows after)times played after : 124total times played : 335
18Ocean Manlast played : 09-17-2003(1 show ago)times played before: 168next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 198total times played : 367
3Piss Up a Ropelast played : 09-16-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 296next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 200total times played : 497
13Roses Are Freelast played : 09-17-2003(1 show ago)times played before: 174next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 225total times played : 400
2She Wanted to Leavelast played : 09-17-2003(1 show ago)times played before: 104next played: 09-24-2003(4 shows after)times played after : 96total times played : 201
24Somedaylast played : 09-17-2003(1 show ago)times played before: 21next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 94total times played : 116
14Spinal Meningitis (Got Me Down)last played : 09-16-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 364next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 295total times played : 660
16Stroker Acelast played : 09-16-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 80next played: 09-23-2003(3 shows after)times played after : 174total times played : 255
4Take Me Awaylast played : 09-17-2003(1 show ago)times played before: 333next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 288total times played : 622
25The Blarney Stonelast played : 09-16-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 182next played: 09-30-2003(8 shows after)times played after : 63total times played : 246
26The HIV Songlast played : 09-16-2003(2 shows ago)times played before: 281next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 146total times played : 428
11The Mollusklast played : 09-17-2003(1 show ago)times played before: 264next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 297total times played : 562
6Touch My Tooterlast played : 09-13-2003(4 shows ago)times played before: 118next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 261total times played : 380
7Voodoo Ladylast played : 09-17-2003(1 show ago)times played before: 309next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 233total times played : 543
17Zoloftlast played : 09-17-2003(1 show ago)times played before: 38next played: 09-20-2003(1 show after)times played after : 157total times played : 196

Songs Debuted


Misc Stats

Previous Show09-17-2003
(1 day before)
Repeats of Prev Show10 songs
Avg Shows Since Last2.1
Avg Times Played Before181.0
Next Show09-20-2003
(2 days after)
Repeats at Next Show20 songs
Avg Shows Until Next1.9
Avg Times Played After164.5
Avg Total Times Played346.6